- AI backup
- резервная аппаратура для перехвата воздушной цели
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
Backup Exec — is backup software currently developed by Symantec. Backup Exec has a long history of being sold from one company to another. Its earliest roots stretch back to the early 1980s when Maynard Electronics created a bundle of software drivers to help … Wikipedia
Backup-Strategien — Backup Strategien, prinzipielle Vorgehensweisen beim Sichern von Dateien der Festplatte. Man unterscheidet folgende grundlegende Verfahren: das Gesamt Backup, bei dem der komplette Inhalt der Festplatte oder einer Partition gesichert wird, … … Universal-Lexikon
Backup software — is a computer program used to perform a complete back up of a file, data, database, system or server. The back up software enables you to make an exact duplicate of everything contained on the original source. This software must also be used to… … Wikipedia
Backup-Programm — Backup Programm, Programm, das Sicherheitskopien (Backup) von Festplatteninhalten anlegt. In der Regel bietet ein solches Programm verschiedene Backup Strategien an, etwa die Sicherung aller Dateien oder nur einer bestimmten Auswahl. Auch… … Universal-Lexikon
backup — ack up, n. 1. anything kept in reserve to serve as a substitute in case of failure or unavailability of the normal or primary object; used for devices, plans, people, etc. Also used attributively; as, there was no backup for the electrical… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Backup validation — is the process whereby owners of computer data may examine how their data was backed up in order to understand what their risk of data loss might be. It also speaks to optimization of such processes, charging for them as well as estimating future … Wikipedia
backup — back‧up [ˈbækʌp] noun [countable] COMPUTING a copy of information held on a computer that is put onto a disk so that the information is not lost if there is a problem with the computer: • Take a backup copy of the file to be converted. * * *… … Financial and business terms
backup withholding — ˈbackup withˌholding noun [uncountable] FINANCE a system in the US in which banks and companies paying out investment earnings to people whose social security numbers they do not have, send a percentage of the earnings directly to the tax… … Financial and business terms
backup — or back up [bak′up΄] adj. 1. standing by as an alternate or auxiliary [a backup pilot] 2. supporting [a backup effort] n. 1. the act or result of backing up; specif., a) an accumulation because of a stoppage b) a … English World dictionary
backup utility — UK US noun [countable] [singular backup utility plural backup utilities] computing a piece of software that makes the process of backing up computer information easier Thesaurus … Useful english dictionary
Backup Copy — [engl.], Sicherungskopie (Backup) … Universal-Lexikon